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This page is not for fuel injector inquiries, if you have a question about fuel injectors please email us at motormanfuelinjection@gmail.com or call us at 989-644-2695 between 9am-4pm Mon-Fri

We care what our customers have to say about their shopping experience with our company.

 Please take a moment to share your experience.

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Having trouble finding the injector you need?


please call Rob at 989-644-2695 and I will check our inventory


we stock almost every electronic gasoline fuel injector ever made for any vehicle make and model. 

If we don't have it, I will help you find it.

New and Remanufactured injectors carry 1 year replacement warranty from date of purchase.

Customer Service: 989-644-2695

Email - motormanfuelinjection@gmail.com


Motor Man Fuel Injection

6246 W. Weidman Rd

Weidman, MI 48893